November 25, 2010

heyya there :)

hello folks! do you miss me? seems not hhaha xp
and of course hello my blog :) looong time no update ya? hhahaha sorry. sorry for the long time no post.
the 1st reason IS the schedule was so errrgh!
the 2nd reason IS lazy xp
I was really busy and didn't know what I have to tell to you *muahmuah -yes I start my "lebay" mode- but I'll keep post it :D maybe I'm "norak" or what but, now I want to tell you about "gaptek."


jadi.. begini.. kemarin (entah hari apa).. waktu si oom dan maul lagi anteng-anteng di depan laptop, lagi nunggu giliran uji kualifikasi, dan TENGTENGTORENG datanglah TYAS DESSANDIE, lalu terjadilah percakapan berikut:

TYAS: eh, lagi buka apa?
OOM: blitzmegaplex
TYAS: emang mau nonton apa?
OOM: belom tauu.
TYAS: eh eh, apaan tuh (sambil nunjuk-nunjuk norak)
OOM: harpot.
TYAS: emang udah keluar yaa?
OOM: -makanin kabel LAN-

dan. it's like ring a bell!
AKU KE MANA AJAAA??? ckckck.
I don't know actually why I feel so busy. I (almost) never watch TV and watch music channels. so, if you ask me about what happen in our entertainment, I'll answer I don't know anything.

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