January 3, 2012

vhs telkom spj

...and this thing come in my mind. I googled about my beloved school (awkward) and found this amazing pictures (more awkward)..
Okay I'm a lil bit sad when typing this post :'(
but forget about me..
talking about my days as the student of
vocational high school telkom sandhy putra jakarta is.....
manis, asem, asin, and I'm finally feeling so much more.... exhausting. but absolutely 
HAPPY \(^.^)/

study study study, and extra study. I think 24 hours in a day is really doesn't enough.
oke, let's fly to my beloved school hehe.
thanks for reading, people, do some comments =)

SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Jakarta.. the best vocational high school in the world (oke ini lebay)

ruang kelas ^^

kehebohan di depan meja piket *nonton sea games

pemandangannya indah makanya jadi salah satu sudut favorit sekolah :)

kantin JUJUR, SEHAT, SEJAHTERA telkom spj ;)

musholla yang meninggalkan jejak-jejak sejarah tak terlupakan

ini jalan dari gerbang atau lobby atau yaaa gedung utama sekolah menuju kantin, parkiran, atau musholla

love the memories that we got together in this school guys :')

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