Sejak masih anak-anak, aku udah tergila-gila sama makanan enak (walaupun postur tubuhku dulu *sekarang juga sih!* yang kurus ceking setipis kertas HVS malah sering membuat orang lain curiga kalau orangtuaku menjatah makananku). Aku suka nonton acara masak-memasak di tv, kayak yang dibawain farah quinn (atau quin?) gitu deh.
Aku sering merengek meminta mamaku memasakkan penganan yang tampak begitu lezat dan menggiurkan. Dan kapan pun ada kesempatan, aku sering berkhayal menjadi pemandu acara masak-memasak di tv. Betapa menyenangkannya. Makan enak, ngetop ditonton banyak orang, dibayar pula! Ya, kadang aku rindu pada masa kanak-kanak yang begitu polos.
Dan kembali ke poin awal. Kupikir aku mulai menyukai kegiatan memasak. Rasanya menakjubkan, dari berbagai bahan dibentuk menjadi penganan yang lezat. Dan tentu, aku juga sangat menikmati melahap masakanku. Oh well, I gotta admit that I fell into a dilemma whether to try the recipes right away or keep writing the blog till it is finished.
Yayayaya, aku jadi suka masak-memasak sejak kejadian di rumah mba wulan. Cooking is fun. It's a bit like writing, actually. You first have this notion of what to make. Then you try to find a recipe, but you might end up using any ingredients that you might have instead of buying them from a nearby shop. Then you gather the ingredients, process them, voila!! Perhaps you will try to taste the food and add other ingredients if need be. Or you might ask others to taste them first, in order to improve the flavor.
Oh ya memasakkan sesuatu = cinta lho!! Ngerti kan? Kan? Ya kan?
Yeah you can also show your love through cooking. Don't have a decent idea for your friend's birthday? Bake her a cake. Your friend is sick? Bring her some homemade soup. Your nephew, doing well at school? Give him a jar of cookies. No need to exhaust yourself finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones!
Yum! n_n
September 2, 2010
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The joy of cooking
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