October 10, 2012

There's a big responsibility, huge tasks to be done, to achieve the great target. For Allah, for Islam..

There are lots of works to be done.
Let's work together.
For Allah.

"In advising you, it does not mean that I am the best among you. 
Not even the most righteous among you, as I had also transgressed beyond the limit of my ownself.
If a person is only able to perform da'wah when he's perfect, certainly there would be no da'ie. 
Hence there will be very few who will remind others."

"Sesungguhnya aku sedang menasihati kamu, bukanlah berarti bahwa akulah yang terbaik diantara kamu. Bukan juga bahwa akulah yang paling soleh diantara kamu, karena aku juga pernah melampaui batas terhadap diriku sendiri. Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia  telah sempurna, niscaya tidak akan ada pendakwah. Maka akan jadi sedikitlah orang yang memberi peringatan".
(Hasan al Basri)

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